Playing chicken in Mar del Plata
Absurdities exist in all cities. There are interesting customs and laws that will amuse and boggle my mind, wherever I go. In Cairo, whole communities live
Absurdities exist in all cities. There are interesting customs and laws that will amuse and boggle my mind, wherever I go. In Cairo, whole communities live
Apparently, I’ve been writing a lot about Spanish, Time, Work and Saturdays this past week. =) This is from a great site called Wordle, a place
Had a 1.5 hour mani-pedi last night. Scrub, massage, hot wax therapy and fire-engine red toes. I'm ready for some sandals and for some summer-ing. Pamperment
It seems that every week, there is some kind of protest or strike going on here in Bs.As. My Spanish lessons are in Plaza de Congresso
I’m not a person who does well with trade-offs. I’m in an immigrant child, taught early in life to open as many doors as possible, to
The boy bought me some children’s books in Spanish last weekend. “Picote, el lorito alegre” and “The Powerpuff Girls”! I’m delinquent in my attempts to translate them but
This is a shot of the drive to work in the mornings. Libertador routed one-way into downtown. All 12 lanes!
Thanks to the generosity of some new friends, I got to go to my very first polo match yesterday. And it was beautiful. A perfectly warm