A night of inspiration

While having brunch in a random square in Barcelona this past weekend, we heard this amazing Spanish song by Carlos Buente.  I downloaded his entire album today and have been deliriously joyful ever since.  There is something inspiring and dramatic about setting life to music.  The bus ride home at dusk was magical.  I came home to my flat, opened my huge windows to the balcony and turned on the lamps.  There is no breeze coming in through the windows and my Spanish music is filling me with so much joy I think I might explode.  I need to learn this language.  I am tongue tied just listening to it. 

I am tickled pink with inspiration tonight.  To write, to dance, to look up at the sky and kiss the air on my face.  Life is so so good.  I am in London, on this beautiful warm night.  I am living this unbelievable dream life of travel, exploration and self discovery.  I've met countless people, seen countless places, learning about different cultures and people.  Honestly, I can't even think of a better life right now.  I dictate my time and my decisions.  I am responsible only for me.  There is an incredible freedom in the independence of all of this.  And though sometimes it gets lonely, I feel stronger, more confident, more capable.  The perspective had broadened my mind and makes me crave more more more. 

I want more discovery, more learning, more newness.  There are so many places to see, so much left to experience, so many new and wonderful things to try, to risk, to feel over.  It all feels so limitless tonight.  So infinitely open and delicious. 

I am happy.  So happy in this place, in this skin, in this pocket of time. 

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