An exercise in being thankful

Have you ever had one of those days where you feel that everything is off?  Today was one of those days for me.  I just felt like a zombie – spacey, cranky, whiny.  And I don’t like feeling this way.  There are so many things to be happy about!  

So, in the spirit of acting counter-intuitively (like dressing yourself up on a day when you’re feeling like total crap), I’m listing all of the things that I am thankful for.  

  • Today’s misty rain.  So beautiful and refreshing and warm.
  • Porridge for breakfast.  It’s my favourite.
  • My hair.  I had a good hairday today.  
  • Feeling sore in my triceps.  I had such an amazing workout on Tuesday night with Daniel and I’ve been feeling sore ever since.  Like I’ve said before, there is something wonderfully sensual about working your body to exhaustion.  It makes me feel so alive.
  • My Mom.  Just thinking about her makes me feel happy, inspired, loved.
  • The beautiful Beagle cross mix in front of Sainsbury’s tonight.  He was a gorgeous dog, waiting for his owner to come back from grocery shopping.  He made me smile.
  • Watching this and nearly crying over how beautiful it is.  And then feeling proud that I work for a company that can run programs like this on a daily basis!
  • My daily tea time with J – and how he listens to all of my random musings with patience and amusement.
  • That my feet are made for heels.  (Flat shoes make my flat feet hurt a lot)
  • Booking my flight to Athens for the May 4th long weekend!  Woohoo with the girls!
  • Spanish lessons.  It is the most fun that I’ve had learning something new in a very long time!  Just pronouncing the words, regardless of whether or not I understand what they mean, just tickles me pink!
  • Cynthia.  She’s a light in my life.
  • Perspective.  It comes in the most unexpected ways – through a chance meeting with a new friend, a lunch conversation, a news story.  Whatever the trigger, perspective jolts you into examining all the good and bad things in your life.  
  • My job.  I’m lucky to have it and I work with some incredible people.

Ah, I feel so much better already!  

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