
So my year long transfer to London has been approved. I will be moving in July and over the past week or so, I’ve gone through a roller coaster of emotions regarding the change. On the one hand, I’m extremely excited to see Europe, to learn from my team mates in the London office and to live out a life that I’ve always dreamed of having since I was young. On the other hand, just as things start to settle down here at home with my family and with Andrew, I’m off shaking things up again. =) I’m scared, excited, scared, excited, back and forth every minute of each day. I know that it’s something that I have to do, that I’ll regret NOT doing but at the same time, it’s so easy to get used to the norm and become comfortable in the routines of daily life.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my apartment, I love living in SF, I LOVE California and the main reason I’m taking this London assignment on is the assurance that I’ll be able to come back to this life when a year is up. =)

It’s nice having 3 months lead time to prepare for such a move. It’s interesting how much quality time I’ve been able to spend with those I love knowing that it’ll be a while until we’ll have casual spontaneous dinners again. I want to resolve to live my life like this everyday – always counting each weekend, each day, each minute. It’s a wonderful way to look at the world and the people that make it such a happy place to be.

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