Feelin’ on fire today

Ever have days when you feel like you’re totally in the zone of what you’re doing?  You’re lost, you’re engaged, you’re excited.  Well, that’s me today.  Since 9 AM I’ve been motoring away at all sorts of things that were on my list of things to do and it feels good to be so productive.

Productivity and Creativity are interesting monsters.  Sometimes, days can go by with no sightings at all but on rare occasions I find just the right amount of inspiration, openness and excitement to summon their presence.  It’s as if my perspective is completely different on days like these.  How do I know?  

My tea tastes better because the mug I’m using has a fun cartoon printed on it.

It’s cloudy but oh my gosh so beautiful.

The TV can be blasting and I don’t hear it at all.  It’s tunnel vision, one-way, focus.

I get hyper excited over things like UI design and copy editing and all things tedious but important in product creation.

I write emails in Español for the fun of it and my grammar ends up being correct (by the way, after last night’s class, I’m feeling much better about my Spanish learning.  Nothing like the sheltered cocoon of school to boost the ego!)

There is evidence of excessive use of exclamation marks in the day’s writing (emails, blog posts, documents)!

I can’t sleep.  Because I’m so excited.  About nothing in particular.  Boo Yaa!

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