Geek Report: Kindle or Nook – battle of the e-books

I love geeks.  I love geeky things.  I love geeky articles.  I just love love love all things geek.  This means that I keep up with geeky news and honestly, it is the highlight of my day.  Technology is inspiring.  It invigorates me, keeps me on my toes, keeps me believing that anything is possible.

So, I’m going to start sharing regular Geek Reports on this blog.  There are lots of interesting reads out there and I always appreciate it when a friend shares his/her finds.  I thought it would be useful to do the same.  =)

So, here is the first of many Geek Reports.

  • Kindle vs. Nook – I was very against the idea of a Kindle.  For a very long time.  I love the way books feel in my hand.  I love the way their edges become tattered and stained.  I love that I can write in the margins and lend them out to friends.  But when traveling, the romance disappears.  It is just not physically possible to carry a bunch of books around with you half way across the world.  Enter:  the e-book.  Today, Barnes & Noble’s Nook leaked to the press.  It looks pretty.  It will be wifi enabled, runs the Android OS and enables users to share books with friends (such a clever way to virally market the thing!).  I want one!  But can I also get a hardcopy version of the e-books I buy as souvenirs?!?!
  • Apple’s Magic Mouse – is going to be the death of me.  I tried really hard to resist buying Apple anything.  I’m not a fan of anything proprietary and Apple epitomizes proprietary.  But OMG this thing is beautiful.  I can’t read anymore.  It hurts to look!
  • Filming on the Nikon D300S – I am speechless.  At this rate, I’m going to become a Nikon prosumer SLR collector – not the smartest of hobbies (and likely one of the most expensive).  But isn’t it just amazing?!  Shock and awe.  Shock and awe.

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