It has been a while since I last wrote about my foot! Actually, I don’t think I wrote about my foot injury at all. About a month ago I slipped on a wet floor and thought I broke my ankle! So much has happened. I didn’t break my ankle! I just very badly sprained the ligament that is holding my accessory navicular to the rest of my foot. Apparently I have an extra bone in my foot and only 10% of the population has a similar condition. In addition, I’m hypermobile! Otherwise known as double-jointed. Basically, I’m Elastic Woman. My ligaments are really loose which is the cause of my flat footedness. It’s also the reason why I’m prone to injuring my joints – I have a high tendency to topple over, especially in high heels! I’ve been going to foot specialists and physiotherapists throughout the past month. I’m getting a new set of orthotic inserts tomorrow and I’m now on a global strengthening pilates plan to ensure that I am properly supporting my loose ligamented body. =) I think this means that I would be a fantastic belly dancer =)
Anyway, I’m on the road to full recovery. My foot is healing nicely and I’m able to wear heels again. I haven’t yet gone back to salsa dancing but I’m thinking sometime next week it will be time to hit the floor. =)