a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Last night we visited some of G’s friends for dinner in Belgrano.  Really pretty neighbourhood in the NE part of town.  We had picadas (nibbles), wine, pizza and home-made pie.  Fantastic conversation and really sweet people.  And then we had desert.  I was reminded of my most favourite thing about this country: ice cream delivery.  That’s right.  They deliver ice cream to your door 24/7.  Why isn’t this service available everywhere else in the world?!  ICE CREAM DELIVERY 24/7, SEVEN DAYS A WEEK!  You can order in 1/4 kilo increments and mix as many flavours as you want!  We had dulce de leche, banana split, mint chocolate, white chocolate, swiss chocolate and this other flavour that I really didn’t like with eggs and alcohol.  Such a treat!

We have an ice cream shop down the street from our flat and as easy as it would be to go over there and pick some up, I would order delivery just for the sake of having ice cream brought to my door.  That’s some kind of magic, no?  Ice cream made to order at any hour of the day! =)

Verona from above

Traveling through Italy in the heat of August may sound crazy to some (heck, most of the locals flee the country during this time) but to me, it was heaven. There is nothing more sensual than walking through ancient villages in the hot humid heat of the Italian summer sun. Your mind turns to mush, your skin moistens with a tanned sweat and the only possible worries that cross your mind are what flavour gelato to eat before lunch and if you should try fig instead of coconut today. If you want to renew your soul and get in touch with the simple abundance of life, go visit Italy in the scorching heat of the summer and see if you don’t come back changed.

I am on such a high.  I’m so tired (had only 6 hours of sleep last night because dinner ended at 1am) but so happy.  I have been learning so much here.  So much.  Spanish for two hours in the morning, then HTML and CSS via Dreamweaver, and then consulting work and then business planning and then cooking (ha, or eating, depending on how you look at it).  My mind is pushed to the max every single day.  It has been SO SO LONG since I have felt this intellectually challenged and I’ve really missed it.

What a great way to spend some extended period of time.  Go learn something!  Go do something uncomfortable!  Go make things, try things, turn things upside-down and inside-out!  Go be surprised!

There is something to be said about working/learning holidays.  Gah.  So fantastic.  Such a feast for the brain cells and the senses.

Estoy feliz. =)

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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