a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Here is a glimpse of what home looks like for the next few weeks. I’d always wanted to live in a loft. Who knew that it would end up being on the complete other corner of the world?! =)

It has been a rainy Sunday here and everyone knows I love rainy Sundays anywhere. But they seem especially great in BA these days. It’s Spring, it’s humid and I have a boyfriend who cooks. These things in combination make BA rainy Sundays much more bearable.

Tonight, we (as in He) made tortilla for dinner. We aired a 1999 bottle of Terrazas malbec wine and had avocado salad for a start. Top that with some dark chocolate for desert and I am left wide-eyed and smiley-faced at 2.30am on a stormy evening watching the lightning flash outside the window. I have a morning Spanish class tomorrow that I should be sleeping for (because come hell or high water I am going to be speaking fluent-enough Spanish by the time I leave here…if I manage to leave at all). We played music all evening long and left the balcony doors wide open. The breeze, the smell of fried onions and potatoes, the wine and the warm humid November air made for such a perfect simple evening in this city of 14 million people.

  • False advertising coming to bite Unilever in the butt? – This one, about a man suing Axe because it couldn’t get him a girl friend, made me laugh out loud.  
  • The Chinese Internet –  Why the “copy cats” win.  A lesson for US-centric companies to internationalize, and quickly!
  • Ffffound! – Find, bookmark and share your favourite images online.
  • Svpply – like the above, but for those who love all things design.  It’s high-style shopping, curated by the experts.
  • And something to lift your spirits today.  Something amazing.  And isn’t it good practice to find something to be amazed at every single day?

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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