a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

You know what's amazing?!  Technology is such that you can now read my blog in whatever language you choose!  The Google Translate gadget will convert the entire webpage into one of 51 languages in the list, including Yiddish, Swahili or Malay, to name a few.  Seeing posts in Japanese is pretty trippy.  And somehow, it sounds so strange to me when I read my writing in Tagalog.  But how amazing is that?!

Just some random reading that I thought I would share:

  • Intelligence Quotient vs. Emotional Intelligence.  Which one is a better guarantor of success?  He who feels the most wins.
  • What’s the secret to happiness?  Smile
  • Real men buy flowers.  All you boys out there – if you love someone, let them know.
  • Great apps for your Android phone.  Notepads, Skype Lite, Greed (an app for Google Reader on small screens).  Go see.
  • Fire in your hands.  A portable fireplace for those of us who can’t afford places with fireplaces just yet =)

This was shot just a little over a year ago when Mom and I visited Iguazu falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina. It was a perfect time to go – off season, warm and quiet. There were no crowds and we had nearly the entire park to ourselves. Waterfalls are always difficult to photograph (white spray isn’t really that interesting to begin with) but I find that focusing on the surrounding areas makes for some pretty interesting pictures. This article has some pretty great tips as well. I can’t wait to get back to this place =)

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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