a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

From XKCD cartoons.

to be on Dancing with the Stars!










Back from a weekend in San Diego, spending time with the bro.  I've still got the sniffles and it's rainy here in the Bay.  =)  I've got 10 million things to do this week and all I want to do is take a nap.  It feels cozy to be home home home on a rainy night.  =)

Some random thoughts:

  • The Life of Pi is turning out to be really really good.  I'll post a proper book review in a few days once I've finished.
  • Traffic in the Los Angeles area is ridiculous.
  • I used to love road trips.  I don't anymore.  8 hours in a car is just too much for my old self.
  • The Vonage Mobile app is amazing.  I would highly recommend it.
  • I've been dreaming about high school these last few nights.  How strange to have characters from so long ago pop up so clearly in my mind.
  • I'd like to try golf.
  • I am excited about going to the Philippines to party with 200 of our closest relatives.  I cannot even imagine the chaos that will ensue.  =)
  • Go get a dog.  They are elixirs of joy in this journey of life.  Bear is pure pure pure joy.  It is amazing.
  • I haven't even left and I miss my Mom already =(.
  • I cannot wait to curl up in bed and read till 2am tonight.
Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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