a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Supposedly I’m the kind of person that can’t sit still with just one task, one goal, one book, one something.  I don’t do ones.  I do manys.  Many books, many tasks, many goals, many ideas, many places.  There’s just lots left to learn.  I decided, however, that doing many things at once may have diminishing returns.  So I’m taking inventory and re-allocating my precious time and mind-space to get things done and get them done well.

First thing’s first – I’m going to cut my reading list.  To ONE book at a time.

Currently on my bedside table:

All Marketers are Liars – Seth Godin

The Paradox of Choice – Seth Godin [ha. do you see the irony here?]

The Life of Pi – Yan Martel

New Moon – Stephanie Meyer

Predictably Irrational – Dan Ariely

The Unbearable Lightness of Being – Milan Kundera

Teach Yourself CSS – Russ Weakley

I’ve basically got my hand in seven different cookie jars at once and (as a good friend has emphasized) at this rate, I will not have the chance to enjoy the true taste of cookie joy if I can’t just LET GO.  LET GO Denise.  Let go.

So…which book wins?

*drum roll please*

The Life of Pi.

Pour que you ask?  Well, first, it was highly recommended by a good friend (friend recommended books have never disappointed me).  Second, it’s supposed to make you believe in God.  Third, I’ve read through the first 30 pages and they are so so so so so dry and boring that I can’t bear to read them again at a later time.  There were 10 something pages dedicated to the natural behaviors of sloths.  Supposedly it gets better.  We’ll see about that.


Do you know what happens when I have caffeine?  I GO CRAZY!  One little coffee date at 8pm on a rainy Tuesday night can inspire a revolution!  Under a caffeinated stupor, I solved world peace, I designed a fashion brand, I completed outlines for two novels that have been floating around in my head, I wrote a letter to my unborn daughter and I learned tango in pretend.  This is what it must feel like to be on drugs.  

It was only a chai tea latte.  And a few sips of a creme brule coffee sweet enough to cause diabetes.  But oh, the stimulation.  My already over-active imagination was on overdrive last night.  Is it possible to multi-multi-task?  OF COURSE!  

And then you die.

In less than two weeks, I’ll be living in Buenos Aires.

Tango music and dinners at midnight. Cute dresses and wine in street side cafes. Warm evenings in November. Milongas till 4am. Mar del beaching on the weekends. Spanish lessons and capoeira. Dance shoes, sandals and sunshine. A flat in Palermo.

I cannot wait. It will be amazing.


Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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