a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Too bad it’s not obvious here but to give some perspective of scale: standing straight in front of him, my head only comes up to his lowest hand. He is the size of a house! I tried to steal him for you but he wouldn’t have fit in my suitcase!

Greetings from Canada. Another week, another country! We are having a mellow night in trying to nurse the jetlag. In addition, it feels like I’m in a constant state of food coma after having all this home-cooked Filipino food.

Being back here is an interesting mental leap. For many months now, life has been a series of daily surprises – each morning a new city, new tastes and sounds. It has been hyper stimulation to the max. And now, it’s like putting the breaks on all of a sudden. Something familiar! And the inertia of the last 3 months comes crashing in on me. It feels strange. To be here. In a place that was once home. It is amazing to feel the love of family and to see old friends. I am thankful for the blessing of their love. But it has been two days and I crave the movement, the action, the novelty of traveling mysterious places.

It makes me realize that I have quite a while left in this journey to who-knows-where and for who-knows-what. All I know is that this freedom of mind and time and place is too precious. And I know now that it willbe spent exploring. 🙂

When the world seems not quite right, drink alchohol.  =)

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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