a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

And we’re back in London. Three weeks of glutinous wandering in Italy and we’re back. But we’re off again today – for Vancouver – the number 1 city to live in worldwide! I am so proud of it. Home for five years of Uni, it is one of my favourite places to host people.

I can’t believe that this is my last day in London! For a long while, I think! Though something tells me that I will be back sooner than expect. There are people here that matter, a lot, and the pull of their love will probably be stronger than I realize.

But for now, another day, another journey, another ocean to cross. GAWD, I love all of this TIME TIME TIME! Time to wander, time to relax, time to dream about something other than the status quo.

I had lunch with J yesterday and he said that I look even more relaxed and happy than ever. Maybe it’s because I am. That’s what quitting your job, making your own rules and wandering the globe will do to a person. =)

From the Museum of Human Anatomy at the University of Bologna. I just love morbid things like this!

City of porticos. When the guidebook said that Bologna is like no other city in Italy, it wasn’t kidding! So glad we didn’t miss this!

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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