a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

No… I didn’t mean to write ‘Livin la vita loca’. You were about to break out into Riki Martin weren’t you? 😉

It has been five days, onetwothreefourfive, FIVE days since I’ve had real Italian gelato. How many days? FIVE. Why?! Why, you ask?! Because we decided last weekend to cross from Italy into Slovenia and Austria. It seemed like a good idea at the time – to go experience a different culture, see what a place called Leeyoobleeahnaaa might be like and get away from this Italian heat. Well, the earth is back on its axis because we’ve just crossed from Austria back into Italy and already I’m instantly giddy. I hear Italian again. It’s hot in this train. The sun is shining and my bunny nose can smell the olive oil and the wine and the coconut gelatohhhhh. My Pavlonian-trained Italian alter-ego (where my name is Natalia or Teresa or something with a girly “ah” sound at the end) is already salivating over the thought of dinner (Gorgonzola cheese melted over figs and nuts? Strawberry rissotto? Pear faggattoni? Yes please!). Tonight I change from my trousers and trainers into the short shorts and skirts and dresses and flowery tank tops that this hot, sensual, beautiful climate inspires. The tan will continue to crispen, the afternoons will burn, aperitivos will be sipped in beautiful squares, dinners and walks will last well into the hot night. Life is back to its rightful sweetness. Ciao Italia. I’m baaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!

Small. Cute. Wow this place would look amazing under snow. Castles and snow go well together. Christmas town. So peaceful. So green. Reminds me of Canada but sorry, not as nice! Mmmmm pastries. Amazing, amazing pastries. Cobblestones, churches, horsies and music. Cute music store with shiny shiny beautiful guitars. 30% of the city was destroyed during WW II. No wonder it all looks so new. I miss La Dolce Vita in Italy. But this place is relaxing. Beautiful and relaxing. Saint Peter’s monastery is the oldest bakery in town. A brioche to die for! I LOVE LOVE LOVE bakeries (ask J about traveling through China! Ha!). It’s an 8 hour journey back to Verona on train. Gotta love trains! Mozart died when he was 35. I think because he was exploited by his parents. They were making him do concerts by the time he was 7. He was writing operas at age 8. Genius genius. I want a Stravinsky album. Pucinela. I know, focus! Mozart! Not Stravinsky but I saw a dance practice to Pucinela in Verona and I want that CD! Anyway, this place is cute. Cute cute cute. I cannot wait for tomorrow’s brioche breakfast. I will have breakfast for every meal here. Brioche and milk in Salzburg. Mmmmmmmm!

Interesting coming from a place that was part of communist Yugoslavia up until 1991. Street art provides such great social commentary.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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