a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

I think everyone should go out and buy a lottery ticket.  It's a lucky day, month, year.  =)

I'm 27 years old today.  And it doesn't feel any different.  Last year at this time, I was dancing naked in the sea with my girl friends.  We're going to repeat this tradition, but one week late. 

This year's birthday is different.  So many unknowns.  So many possibilities and a whole lot of space and time to figure out what's next.  I have felt a bit unmoored – in the best and scariest of ways.  So many things to sort through in my head, so many things to plan out, and so many challenges to face.

I have complete freedom. 

Sometimes I can't really fathom this fact. 


How amazing is that? 

It will be a wonderful wonderful year.  =)

It's Saturday in London.  It's warm, the sun is shining and I AM SITTING IN AN INTERNET CAFE!  Isn't that terrible?  AN INTERNET CAFE.  I am paying for internet while in London!  It SUCKS being so cut off from technology.  I feel like someone has cut a limb off.  =)

So, Africa.  It was amazing, rough, hard, dirty, mind expanding and a whole other world.  Taking a shower today in my London flat, washing away the whole city of Nairobi from my skin and hair, felt incredible.  A shower, a bed, HOT WATER, clean sheets.  Perspective.  No other trip has given me such perspective before. 

I have so much to reflect on when it comes to this trip.  Three weeks felt like months.  Emotionally, it was up and down and around.  But all of it was magnificent.  Waking up at dawn, descending into the Ngorogoro Crater, watching the most breathtaking sunsets and appreciating the warmth of campfires at night.  So many random little beautiful moments set against the rawest of backgrounds. 

I am changed, tired, dirty, excited, scared, inspired.  I am everything mixed into one.  I miss home, I miss adventure, I want a nest, I want to fly.  I want it all, and all at once. 

There is lots to sort through now.  Places to see, people to meet, plans to hatch and execute on.  Each day I want something different.  All this freedom!  All this time!  It is a blessing.  A daunting blessing. 

What is next in this great big adventure I've thrown myself into?  =)

Days on the beach are so hard 😉

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


On this date