a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

It has been a whirlwind first half of the week and I’ve had very little access to the Internet. We’re currently visiting Argentine friends in Phuket and have had fascinating access to local life here. It reminds me a lot of Pampanga Philippines, a very provincial setting that is quickly modernizing in front of everyone’s eyes. The roads are packed full of hired vans, mopeds and tuktuks. Western malls are springing up everywhere and pasta, pizza and Mexican food are becoming more easily available.

The sex trade here is unabashed and very accessible. Bangore Street was a “quilombo” of an experience. Three story strip clubs, mass pole dancing on table tops, sex menus on offer and closed door, free access clubs that can satisfy any and all desires. It was madness.

Today we went to MK Restaurant for lunch – the McDonalds of Thailand, hot pot style. Amazing fun.


Our joy.

Leica M9, 35mm Voigtlander f1.4

Bear has been a part of our family since 2006. She’s a shiba inu and has the personality of a snobby teenaged cat. She doesn’t play fetch, she walks away when you call her, she demands cuddles and wont reciprocate and has nonchalantly assumed the position of Supreme Being in our lives. Despite her aloofness, we love her to bits. There is nothing that feels more like home than the presence of a happy dog around the house. She is, by far, my greatest photography muse and a wonderful source of stress relief when everyday life gets a little crazy.

Taken with a Leica M9, Voigtlander 35mm/1.4

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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