a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

I'm in Livingstone Zambia – alive and trying to survive the absurdity of camping.  Seriously, what the heck was I thinking?!!?!?

ALSO, IT IS WINTER HERE!!!!!  Hello!  Africa is in the Southern Hemisphere.  =)

I managed to survive my first night.  It reminds me so much of our J Wenhai adventures except without the electric blankets! 

Quick stream of consciousness account of my first day in Zambia:
people are friendly and it's not so warm.  omg, am i really camping?  i did not bring the right clothes.  who needs two bikinis in the middle of winter anyway?  why didn't anyone say something about it being winter?  who goes on safari during the winter anyway?  not eating will ensure that i don't have to go the bathroom too often.  not showering isn't really an option.  gawd, i miss my shower at home.  perspective perspective perspective.  i am laughing at myself.  had impala for dinner last night.  it's too chewy.  couldn't sleep last night because too much tea.  tents are cold at night.  and you can hear people snoring. australians are everywhere.  there are mosquitos.  hopefully i don't get bitten.  haven't started taking my malaria pills yet.  i like to walk on the wild side.  until next time.  wish me good luck.  in an africa that doesn't feel like africa at all right now.  it feels more like the beginning of calgarian winter.  now everyone, stop laughing at me.

I'm off to Johannesburg today.  And then to Livingstone Zambia where I join my safari group at a camp at the base of Victoria Falls.  

I can't even believe it.  

We'll be safari-ing through Zambia, Malawi, Tanzania, Zanzibar and Kenya over 21 glorious days of no computers, no cell phones, no desks, no offices, no London Undergrounds.  I AM SO EXCITED.  

It is a strange feeling sitting here, on my last day at work, still sorting through emails, action items, transition plans.  My mind is cranking logistics.  And in less than 24 hours, I will be in the middle of the African bush.  How amazing is that?!

The world is small.  Life is long journey.  There is so much to see and explore.

Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh. It's actually happening!!!!  =D

It’s very late in London – 1am to be exact. I’m running on about 8 hours of sleep over the last 48 hours. Portugal with the girls this weekend was lovely – warm, funny, relaxing. But we didn’t sleep and I am not going to be getting much sleep tonight either. It is always such a mad rush before I go off on holiday. But this time it’s not really a holiday because I’m not counting vacation days!

Tomorrow is my last day at work.

I have been so busy trying to sort work projects, transition plans, health insurance, travel insurance, travel stuff, girly trips, bills and flat things. All while trying to stay sane. It has been more than stressful.

Turning your life upside-down is not an easy thing. Actually, it can be a bit maddening. But as my to-do list dwindles, my excitement grows. THIS IS IT!

“There is so much World out there to discover” said a friend a few weeks ago, after sharing with her my news.

Hello World. I’m here. I’m ready. We’re going to have an incredible amazing year.

First stop: Africa

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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