a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Everyone looks like me here but shorter!!!! And they all talk to me in
Thai. Then confusion when I answer in English. :). Its going to be an
interesting week.

We went to Sirocco rooftop bar for dinner tonight. It is stunning.
Open air 61st floor restaurant perched beside the river. Jazz band.
Candles. Crab and duck and mango/coconut cocktails. I wore my too-long
dress. We lounged on the leather sofas and ate pistachio nuts. It
feels so good to see him. 🙂 And so good to be in someplace totally
new and different again. I think I’m addicted.

Its 3am and I’m wide awake. I slept most of the flight from Dubai to
Bangkok and am now listening to the whir of the AC. Its 35 celsius and
so so humid here. Its so nice to feel warm air on my skin.

Tomorrow/today: the royal palace, red light district, the market and Vertigo 🙂

Another airplane for a bed tonight. 7 hours to Dubai – a red eye
flight that's meant to let me sleep. But I always end up watching 6
hours worth of new movies and then listening to international radio
that I don't understand.

No rest for the wicked!!!! It's time to switch off the brain and get a
taste for pure wanderlust again. I can sleep when I'm dead 🙂

Dubrovnik, Croatia
May 2009

Every sock was paired with its twin! We couldn’t help but laugh when we walked under this.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


On this date