a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

I’ve seen only a dozen sunrises in the last year, a handful of them from airplanes crossing timezones. The rest have been in Greece – while dancing on the shores of Little Venice in Mykonos, and this past weekend, in a car, on our way to souvlaki breakfast after clubbing in the Gazi district of Athens.

My times in Greece can be summarized in four words: girlfriends, food, dancing, laughter. Time just warps here. Timezones become obsolete. We eat when we’re hungry, not when the clock says so. We dance till exhaustion, or when the lights come on. And we stroll ancient streets in Plaka, at the foot of the Acropolis in between.

Life needs to be lived like this. Coffee with friends, late lazy lunches on romantic hillside cafes, laughter and storytelling with strangers, moments of family, gratitude, wonder and joy.

Ears ringing.
Dancing all night.
Souvlaki at 645am in Gazi.
Beautiful people beautiful people.

Tomorrow (3 days) – Athens with Miss Maria

May 8th (3 days) – Dubrovnik Croatia with Cynthia

May 15th (10 days) – Thailand and Cambodia with the boy

June 4th (3 days) – Nice, Monaco and Saint Tropez with Mama

June 10th (4 days) – Naples, Amalfi Coast, Capri with Mama

June 26th (3 days) – Algarve, Portugal with the girls

What a blessed life this is! Blessed, blessed, blessed. =)

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


On this date