a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

It's my first week back from the gorgeous Latin American summer.  I'm tanned and a little cranky to be back in cloudy London but work is at full speed so I don't have much time to complain!  I'm also back to my gym routine, which is good, because after the buckets of ice cream that I ate last week, I NEED to work out!  I'll be posting pictures very soon and maybe some commentary on my experience in Mar del Plata — with a boy and his family.  Intrigue intrigue?!  =)  Details coming soon!

There was something magical about today’s snow day. On my way to the tube stop people were opening their front doors with the biggest looks of surprise and wonder on their faces. It was like Christmas came early! Something about a heavy snowfall during the night gives me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. So cozy! And then you wake to the most gorgeous snow-globe of a city ever! London under snow is just amazing!

snow day in london

snowwwww day

I have no idea why I’m so giddy over this snowfall.  I grew up with this stuff!  But there is something magical about it happening in London – where all the trees are so tall and the buildings so old.  =)  

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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