a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Cyn and I have decided on a mellow Friday night in.  Dinner and groceries at Whole Foods.  Now we’re sitting at the kitchen counter, drinking red wine, in our PJ’s, listening to Vanessa Mae and doing email.  =)  We have blueberries and toast, the lights are on, the candles a flicker and everything is just perfect perfect perfect.  I am inspired and lifted.  This weekend is for projects – photography, writing, reading, goal setting.  I want to be doing something more, something bigger and this weekend, I’m going to plan.  I’m going to plan my next move, my next destination, the next great adventure.  

But first, living in the moment on this chilly Friday night in London.

Things to do to make you happy on a Friday evening:

  • spend it with your best girl friend
  • say no to parties and movies and other plans
  • listen to violin music
  • open a bottle of very good red wine just because
  • make a list of all the great books you want to read
  • make a list of all the places you want to see
  • burn a scented candle
  • stay cozy and warm
  • munch on blueberries
  • do the dishes by hand – it is so relaxing
  • don’t do work email
  • dance
  • be thankful —- you are healthy, free and so so blessed

Yesterday, I cancelled all my afternoon meetings.  C and I packed up early – 3pm – to head over to K’s ridiculous flat in Earl’s Court, where we watched Barrack’s swearing-in on a wide screen projector in his home theatre.  

There is nothing more amazingly attractive than an intelligent, confident, poised, well-spoken, inspired man.  Barrack was unbelievable.  Just stunning.  No one breathed for the 10 minutes of his speech.  My mouth was hanging open the entire time and I couldn’t hold back tears.  So eloquent.  So genuine.  So powerful.  They say that it was probably the most watched event in the history of the world.  Isn’t that incredible?  Years from now, we will be asking each other “Where were you when Obama became president?”. I have goosebumps just talking about it.  What an inspiring, moving moment.  It really does make you believe.   

His speech was brilliantly executed.  So full of tension, first highlighting the world crisis of war and recession.  Then reminding us of America’s perseverance through hard times.  Then highlighting the patchwork strength that comes from each individual contributor to the nation’s good. The rhythm, the push and pull, the tension and release. Oratory genius. He made me want to be American!  Just incredible!

I’ve heard his chief speech writer is 27 years old!  HOW HOW HOW can I get a date with him!??!?!?

If you haven't already seen this film, go see it.  It is gorgeous – visually stunning, fantastic music and really pulls at your heart strings.  It gives an amazing view of life in India.  Many aspects of it reminded me of life in the Philippines.  It's the kind of movie that makes you want to stand outside in the pouring rain with your arms wide open.  I'm not really sure why.  It just is.

After A and I saw it, it rained cats and dogs in London.  I have never seen it pour so hard in this city.  My umbrella broke and we walked home totally soaked.  Just beautiful.  

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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