a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

It’s nearing the end of 2008 – by far one of the most memorable years yet.  It’s ridiculous how much travel I’ve done in the past 12 months and it’s amazing how comfortable I feel wandering the world, without a permanent base (just yet) to call my home.  Wandering is where my heart is at these days – I am happiest in the new, in the mysterious, in the strange.  

Here’s a hats-off to the year of exploration.  What an amazing blessing!

January:  Athens, Dublin, Budapest
February:  Dublin, Galway, Limerick
March:  Prague, Rome, Florence, Athens, Crete
April:  Insbruck (Austria), Solden (Austria), Cairo
May:  Barcelona
June:  Pisa, Florence, Cinque Terre, Venice
July:  Mykonos
August:  Athens, Cairo, Alexandria, Glasgow, Edinburgh
September:  Rhodes, Buenos Aires, Iguazu
October:  Cairo, Dubai
November:  Paris, Dublin, Hong Kong, Lijiang, Kunming, Macau
December:  Dublin, Marrakech, San Francisco, San Diego

Today I stepped into a Wal Mart for the first time in over 6 months. And it felt like heaven. EVERYTHING you could possibly want is in there – in all sorts of shapes and sizes! Every kind of shampoo, tampon, toothbrush, cleaning material and even food! Goodness! Such a shock considering how hard it is to find simple items, like toothpaste, in London. I was so overcome that I couldn’t buy a thing. I’ll ease myself into it and make a list next time.

Oh the economic machine that is America. You really learn to appreciate it when you’ve been away.

You know you’re celebrating a Filipino Christmas when it’s midnight on Christmas Day eve and all adults in the house are dancing to the karaoke version of the Labamba.  

Merry Christmas. 

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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