a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

It’s been so long since I’ve written. Since China, life has been a whirlwind – new role at work, moving out of my old flat, moving in with Cynthia, then a weekend trip to Marrakech with the gang, Christmas parties, Christmas shopping, museums, goodbyes and then flying home! I have a to-do list 1000 items long but what I have missed most is writing! When life gets crazy, I write less and the less I write, the more anxious I become. It’s cathartic for me – a great healer and equalizer in my life.

The Update

China. China was incredible. I’m trying to get through the 800 photographs J and I took during that trip – it’s tedious and will take me another few days but I will upload the pictures before end of this week. I’ll also post something about my experience there – just amazing.

Marrakech. We found some amazing deals on flights to Marrakech a few months ago so we went for 5 days in mid December. It’s one of the most photogenic cities I’ve ever seen. I’ll write about that experience very soon as well but photos can now be found here. The biggest treat: traveling there with Cyn and Maria – my two best girl friends in the whole wide world! =)

Christmas. I’m back in California for the holidays. It feels so nice to be here to see the family. The last time I was here was in June — a very long time. I need to unwind, get back into my hobbies and just catch up with everyone. It’s chilly here but nothing feels better than being home for the holidays.

A new home sweet home. Cynthia and I found a GORGEOUS flat in the heart of Notting Hill and we moved in last week. It’s beautiful – sky lit, 2 beds, 2 baths, wood floors, new kitchen, great light, quiet and on one of the most amazing streets in the city! We live above a pizza place and are half a block from Starbucks. There are two dozen restaurants on our street and we’re two blocks away from Portabello Market. It’s an amazing haven. Pictures are below.




*Note:  This post has been sitting in my inbox for months.  I wasn’t sure if I should share it publicly but here it goes….

can see you see me?

My quest to find one word for Dubai has been very difficult.  I’m back in London now, completely exhausted and back to being super busy.  It’s sunny, I had a fabulous weekend catching up with friends and now, I’m back in my head trying to sort through the feelings and experiences that have gathered inside me over the past couple of weeks.  Dubai is the one place that has really rocked my cultural core.   The excess, the opulence, the materialism, the poverty, the segregated social class system, the expat community, the wealth, the power, the exploitation.  There is so much to tell but the words aren’t coming out as naturally as they usually do.

Unlike other places, Dubai has forced me to grapple with my cultural identity.  I am Philippine born, Canadian raised and now feeling more European than North American.  I’m an in-betweener, in every sense of the word.  In between cultures, customs, traditions, values, countries, lives, loves.  This sense of movement in both my actual life and my mental one has always caused conflict in terms of my values and actions.  There are many parts of the South Asian culture that I reject and other aspects that I absolutely respect.  And in each new country I live, I gather new customs and traditions and make them my own.  This makes me un-Filipino, un-Canadian, un-American and un-European and instead, so much more a chameleon – ever changing, adapting and learning from my environment.  There is a danger in this flexibility.  It makes me open and un-rigid.  There are some very basic things that I will take a solid stance for, but otherwise, my mind is open and free to hear all sides of the same story.  This forces me to have to consciously test and balance my own values, and many times, because of my background, they clash.  In Dubai, I was forced to come face to face with all the contradictions that I myself am made up of.

My first night impressions were just that – first impressions.  Often I’ve found that first impressions don’t really count for a lot!  I know that many would argue with me, but I really do think that it takes time and effort to get to know a place or a person.  When I landed in Dubai, I felt like a queen.  A Jumeirah hotel group employee met me right when I entered the terminal.  Another ushered me to the very front of the very long immigration lines.  Another waited for my bags.  Another escorted me to the gorgeous S350 Mercedes which would be my “cab ride” to the hotel.  A hot towel and bottles of water were waiting for me inside.  When I walked into the hotel, someone greeted me with tea and escorted me to my room where they checked me in at my own desk.  All this at 2am in the morning and I was sat dumb-founded, sure that they had mistaken me for someone else.  That evening, I thought I’d landed on another planet.  A land of pure opulence and excess.

As the days went on, however, I realized that I was spoiled because I was at one of the best hotels in the city.  I was lucky.  And I was reminded of this feeling of privilege almost every day throughout my week there.  The blessing of a good education and a fantastic job was a constant thought in my head.  Because I was a professional visiting Dubai on business, the experience had the potential to be exquisite:  five star hotels, top notch dining, a great night life, an international mix of like-minded colleagues.  And in this sea of expats, I met some incredible people, friends for life.  A Lebanese brand manager for Clarins.  A French marketing manager for Porsche.  Businessmen, venture capitalists, PR people.  It was Londonesque hyper stimulus all over again, in the heart of Arabia.  However, there was a very ugly side to the opulence.

I could not ignore the migrant workers – from India, Pakistan, the Philippines.  They were everywhere and noticeably treated differently.  Van-loads of Indian construction workers passed us on the side walks every morning and every night.  Filipinos served me at Starbucks, at the mall, in the conference hall, at restaurants.  There was a very real and obvious social structure that had been created based on race.  And intentional or unintentional, I felt it.  I noticed it.  And I observed it keenly throughout the week.  And this is where it screwed with my own cultural identity.  On the one hand, I didn’t like the feeling of being pigeon-holed a certain social status because of my race.  On the other hand, in every Filipino that I met, I saw in them the humility, the knowing smile, the hospitality and innate happiness that is present in our people, and I was proud.  It was a very strange sensation – to feel both shame and pride in the same instant over your own culture.  And something that I could not shake:  these migrant workers could have been my own relatives.  Like many places in the 3rd world, a large chunk of Philippine GDP is made up of foreign worker remittances back home.  We experience this in our own extended family and is a very real way of life for millions of others around the world.  And because of the association with my own kin, a very big part of me felt very very uncomfortable being served by these workers.  It felt wrong, it felt haughty and I didn’t know how to deal.  I have never felt so uncomfortable in my own skin before.

I remember really disliking Dubai for some time.  The large contrast in terms of wealth and power vs. the poverty and human exploitation that had to happen in order to build the city at the alarming rate that they did really did a number with my head.  It was a heartbreaking contradiction of prosperity and poverty, and the relative differences in what one can achieve in a place so commercial, thriving, so materialistic.  It’s a land of dreams, for both the rich and the poor.  It’s the land of plenty, the land of opportunity and I guess in all fairness, I really have to see it as such.  Everyone comes to Dubai to succeed, to achieve, to do better, to reach higher than they can at home.  It’s really not that much different from other major metropolitans in the world – Hong Kong, London, New York.  It’s the land of opportunity in the heart of the Middle East.  Many say that you just have to turn a blind eye to the injustice and see it as the market economy at work.

Today, I still don’t really know how to describe exactly how I felt about Dubai.  The experience there was such a contradiction.  After much debate and after giving myself the time to let the dust settle in my disturbed mind, I’ve decided that the word for Dubai is injustice.

Have you ever been?  If so, I welcome your thoughts and comments.

I’m in the middle of nowhere having taken a 4 hour horseback trip over a mountain and two lakes. Going to freeze tonight in this random village where no one speaks english and there is no heating. Have been wandering gorgeous ancient chinese villages for two days and squatting over holes in the ground for toilets. People are super sweet. The setting breathtakingly gorgeous. Electric blankets are keeping me alive. The guides who took us up the mountain were wonderful. We sang with them in chinese and english for hours :).

Other highlights:
– live chinese rock pop in random kunming bar
– warm fresh roasted chestnuts at street markets on cold nights
– sweet chinese people everywhere
– fabulous chinese raisin bread (but still not as good as the stuff we got in calgary!)
– an expat bar in lijiang called ‘sext tractor”
– spicy hot pots
– amazingggggg food
– beautiful old people sitting on the streets
– cute delicious round faced asian children everywhere
– how everyone stares at me because they think I’m chinese but not really
– riding rickety old chinese airplanes!!!
– cobblestone streets
– frozen toes
– frozen me!!
– debates about philosophy and memory and dating and happiness
– all this photography bliss
– trying to communicate with taxi drivers in cities where no one speaks any english!!!!!!
– then meeting sweet people who can speak english who want to help
– pushing myself out of my comfort zone and stretching the mind!!!! Amazing!

China is mysterious, beautiful and magical. What an incredible experience.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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