a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

i love notting hill.  it's a self-contained village.  i can come home on a friday night and never leave the area for the entire weekend and still get a chance to have a great brunch, go to a wine bar, walk in the park, go out dancing and then do coffee the next morning.  so many of our friends live down the street.  it feels like home.  =)

last night i went for drinks at the electric with R.  i met a sweet friend of his, L.  she was very nice and through three mojitos, we ended up chatting until 2.30am.  portobello road at 2.30am is eerie.  it felt so so small compared to the hustle and bustle on a saturday morning. 

i had planned to pack and do some yunnan research last night.  that didn't happen.  i'm now cramming for it at a starbucks down the street.  starbucks is a fab place to people watch.  i love checking out how people dress.  fashion is fascinating.

ah, weekends.  ah, london.  i love you.

Mom has always said that I'm favoured.  And there are many inexplicable things that really do prove that she's right.  The way that life has unfolded for me thus far has been a kiss of grace.  Ever since I was a kid, there have always been amazing acts of grace that have contributed to me being here, in this amazing place, living this incredible journey. 

Cynthia and I got our flat this week.  The dream flat.  The one that we wanted.  The one that we kept visualizing living in, even after the landlord rejected our first offer.  And not only did we get the flat that we wanted, we got it at an incredible discount (25%) because right now, it's a renter's market.  I'm also doing salary negotiations and who knew that the dollar and pound exchange currently would favour me so much right now!?!

There are also more crazy vacations to be had (I'm off to Hong Kong and China for 11 days starting tomorrow), great friends to love, exciting new work projects to get lost in and family to see this holiday season! 

Life is so good. 

I kid with my friends that sunshine has to be in the head here, in rainy, grey London.  But really, I feel like sunshine is always following me, hovering over my head. 

I am so blessed.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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