a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

You know you've found your soul sister when, while you're away on business, she folds your laundry and makes a pile of old underwear that you need to trash.  The kind of underwear that you can't be caught dead in by the fireman because there are holes in them!

My mom has always yelled at me about keeping old, holey underwear.  =)  She would be so proud now.

I flew from LHR to DXB to CAI on Monday night.  I haven't slept in nearly three days.  I don't even know how it's possible for me to write a cohesive sentence.  

But I wanted to report on my Emirates flight.  Why have I never flown Emirates before?  It is amazing!   Top notch.  World class.  Even as an economy passenger, you feel like a queen.  They give a menu, the seats are high quality, they have over 500 channels of information, entertainment and music.  They give you hot towels at the beginning of the flight and after your meal.  The lighting is coordinated to your flight.  If you're on the red eye, the cabin is dimmed a soft orange with a sprinkling of stars on the roof to resemble a night sky.  Lights dim on and off and stewards are impeccably dressed.  Who designed their uniforms?  Just beautiful and classy.  They have a bilingual staff and the very best part – they fly to the greatest places on the planet: basically Africa, the Middle East, South Asia

United and American are the crappers.  Seriously.

Is it possible to fall in love with a city?  

With its








unexpected moments of bliss

little moments


Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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