a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

I'm tired, I'm sore and so satisfyingly happy and content.  I want to Danceworks tonight and did a salsa dance class.  It was SO MUCH FUN!  And I'm really good at it.  =)  There is something about focusing on the movement of your body and how it relates to the music that makes dancing so incredible.  It makes me feel so good about myself.  It takes my mind off work and all the other distractions of the day and brings me back to the pure me.  There is just me and my body and the music.  And it feels amazing.

It's addictive.  

And now I have this crazy idea to own a dance studio with my brother somewhere =)

I went to see Sazzle yesterday for her birthday barbecue.  It is always so great seeing her.  But before the party, she took me to pole dancing lessons!  Pole. Dancing.  Lessons. 

It wasn't what I expected at all!  It had nothing to do with dancing or dancing dirty with the pole.  It had everything to do with strength and coordination.  It was HARD!  Hard hard hard!  I had no idea what I was doing half the time and the difficulty of it all really doesn't make any of it feel sexy.  My favourite moves were the spinning ones.  The back spin in particular.  I don't like going upside down and you are concentrating so hard on doing things right that you don't even hear the music!  

I am SORE all over.  My arms are dead, my tummy is sore and the insides of my thighs are really tender.  I have a new found respect for pole dancers.  That is hard work!  =)  And I thought all I had to do was dance sexy with the pole!  Yeesh!

My assignment got extended to December today!  I am SO happy.  It definitely feels right to be staying here.  There is so much of London still left to experience.

I feel like I got a new breath of air today – about everything in general.  I'm excited, I'm happy, I'm looking forward to what's in store.  I am finally feeling content in my independence again.  I have a packed long weekend in London with girl friends, new friends, old friends and it feels great.  It feels great to have this freedom, to feel secure in myself and to have this incredible London playground to discover.  

I'm learning just how fulfilling it is to nurture relationships with new and old friends.  They are important and make life so worthwhile.  I'm stretching myself, being open to new possibilities that I would have never considered before.  I'm open to getting to know different people and it's good fun!!  Such good fun!  =)

Anyway, I'm ecstatic tonight.  About life and everything there is to experience and discover!  SUCH A GREAT DAY.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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