a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Miss Maria came over this weekend!  We met her two friends who are on holiday from Greece.  What a great girly few days together!

We talked around, shopped, shopped, shopped, and enjoyed lots of inappropriate Girl Talk!  Last night we went to the Hilton Park Lane and had drinks on the 28th floor.  And today I got some great summer clothes from Zara! 

London is such a fantastic adult play ground when you have great company!  Yamas to a great weekend.  =)

Spending time with DJ this past weekend was so nice.  It took a while for us to get to this point where we can really be a part of each other’s lives with the maturity and love required to not be judgmental or over-protective or strong-headed with each other.  I consider him a really close friend I know that I can count on him to be there for me, through anything. 

I love seeing him blossom in this new environment – discovering a whole different world and learning that he is strong, capable, exceptional and talented.  I want him to be in a place where he knows inside of himself that he can do anything and everything, that the world is his oyster.  This time away will be great for him.

We had such a great time being silly across Italy.  We walked and ate and lounged.  It was nice.

He has also given me some great advice over the last few days.  I am up and down with regards to where I am sometimes — so high and excited about all these amazing experiences and opportunities and then worried about not really having a steady ground to plant my feet on.  This time away and the lifestyle that I’ve chosen makes it so that I am not really building roots in any one place and when things are quiet and when I miss him, it makes me sad. 

But DJ said that I need to take the time to really sit with myself and figure out what I want.  I need to get to a place of equilibrium where I’m listening to the stirring inside and facing it head on.  There is always a stirring inside of me — whether it’s about love or work or travel.  There is always something more, something different that I want.  I am antsy, curious, a dreamer.  I need to get to a place where I am content and comfortable and listening.  I need to be self aware. 

Who knew that Crazy Little One would be so wise?  =)  He was only 5 yesterday!!!

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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