a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Hello, it’s been a while.  It saddens me to admit that I’ve taken a long hiatus from blogging, writing, photographing – all the things that have always made my heart sing. Life got… busy, complicated, hectic. I know it’s no excuse, and honestly, my sanity has suffered as a result of straying from this.  I got engaged, I moved, work got so busy, I got married.  And then finally – finally – I found peace and breathing room to let my heart sing again. And here I am.

And what better way to celebrate this new found voice than a brand new journal. A gratitude and prayer journal all rolled into one.

So happy to be back.

Starting a prayer and gratitude journal today.

I’ve been obsessed with the Holstee Manifesto since it started circulating the net last year.  They just came out with a wonderful video and I’m posting it below.  I’m so thankful for companies, like Holstee, who force us to examine our lives and inspire us to make the most of our precious time here.

The Holstee Manifesto Lifecycle Video from Holstee on Vimeo.

Child on the roof

Big city living in Buenos Aires is a strange brew of high-energy excitement, chaos and commerce. Nearly a quarter of Argentina’s 40 million residents live and dwell here. The city is sprawling, dirty and beautiful. Immaculate apartment lofts coexist alongside open garbage piles. It’s a metro of dichotomies. One day I am dining with friends of ex-presidents and the next am brought to tears by the humble love of the cleaning lady. I am enraged and heartbroken all at once, often at the extremes of human emotion amidst the poverty, excess and hardship that this city’s streets throw at me each day. I love and hate it here. It is a mirror that forces me to face the demons of my imperfection. Can I be compassionate, patient, open and strong? Will this city, with its anger and apathy, engulf me or will I rise above?

And then like a flash, a moment of pure innocence catches my breath. I am reminded of what is good and true.

Of God.

A little girl squeals with joy playing with her doll on a rooftop cement playground just after a rainstorm.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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