a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

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Andrew and I went to NYC for the weekend. It was FREEZING cold, really crowded and probably the most fun we’ve had vacationing together ever! It was 4 days of chaos, chilly winds, bus rides, subways, museums, food, food and food. We toured Uptown and Downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn. We shopped in SOHO, ate cupcakes and soup at the Chelsea market, dined over fondue on Park Avenue, visited MoMA, the Museum of Natural History, Madame T’s wax museum (where I got to kiss George Bush and Brad Pitt), the Empire State, Grand Central Station and the World Trade Center site. We basically took in the entire city and all its glory in less than 72 hours, with some time to spare for sleeping, eating and a Broadway show (The Producers)! We even got ourselves lost at sometime around midnight and were nearly killed in a dog raid in the subway systems (I’ve never seen so many police officers gathered in one place at one time!).

I love NY! It’s a walking city, with neighborhoods boasting their own personalities and flavors (I hate having to spell words like ‘flavours’ in American. Bleh to spellcheck!). I’ve fallen in love with the subway system and can’t fathom why city planners in the Bay Area can’t get their acts together and build something similar!

Mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm NYC. I think I’ll need a dose of you every year or so! I heart you!

Pictures will be posted in the next entry!!!

It’s been another beautiful few days in this city that I love. Dad, Bear and I went downtown yesterday where we did some shopping. It was a gorgeous sunny day; Union Square was packed full of artists, tourists and locals taking in the breezes and sales. I got some great deals on summer clothing and Bear was able to charm many a people with her cute little face. It’s always an adventure taking her out in public. There hasn’t yet been an outing where she hasn’t been met with squeals of delight from both men and women. She really IS that cute!

After downtown, we went back to my apartment, had some snacks and watched some good ol’ Canadian hockey. I love hockey. Once you start, you can’t ever go back to watching basketball or baseball and feel that same intense energy and suspense that the Canadian ice sport brings. We had some Indonesian fried rice and orange chicken for dinner. Before dad left for home, we took Bear to Fort Mason – her favorite city bathroom.

This morning, Bear and I got out of bed at around 10 am and went to Fort Mason for about an hour. She LOVES it there. I let her off leash and she goes wild running up and down its hills. She usually finds another pup she can tease into chasing her for a few minutes. She has no interest in playing catch – she just likes running after things. =) For brunch, I went to the Lichee Table with some friends. Dim sum in the heart of North Beach. I took route 45 again – I love that MUNI line. I got off in the middle of Chinatown and I really wish I had brought my camera because the colors and the people I rushed passed were fantastic! I love this about San Fran – though it’s only 49 square miles, each neighborhood has its own flavour and you really feel like you’ve been transported to a whole new world. We sat for nearly two hours before visiting a few Chinese bakeries. I LOVE Chinese pastries. I came home with two loaves of raisin bread and something with red bean paste in the middle. =)

Now, Bear is a nappin’ beside me on the couch, I’m perusing the net and getting ready to go out for another walk down Union Street. We’ll visit a pet store and maybe I’ll end up getting her another obscure treat or toy. Spoiled! =)

It has been a great weekend!

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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