a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

A summer downpour.

It’s amazing how you can hop on a plane for twelve hours and skip the winter. It’s summer here in the Southern Hemisphere and every other day in Buenos Aires, we’re treated to a rainstorm. Warm, jungle-heavy, suddenly-starting-out-of-nowhere rainstorms. Beautiful.

Sunday coffee in Palermo, Buenos Aires.

Often, the promise of a true tender moment is enough to compel us to travel half way around the world. How a quiet coffee at a street side café can be the most perfect thing in the world, I can’t explain. But on this Sunday morning, it was everything.

After four years of renovations, Buenos Aires’ famous Teatro Colon opened on May 25th 2010, just in time of Argentina’s bi-centennial celebrations.  It has been named one of the top three opera houses in the world and is definitely something to behold.

We found tickets for the standing section at the very top, a section named Paradise. Seen as the nosebleeds section of the venue, it supposedly gets the best acoustics in the house. One thing they failed to mention and what we quickly remembered: heat rises. It gets hot up here. However, for 25 pesos each (about $6 USD), the experience was a total bargain!

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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