a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Creativity flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus. The best art is created in solitude, for good reason: it’s only when we are alone that we can reach into ourselves and find truth, beauty, soul. Some of the most famous philosophers took daily walks, and it was on these walks that they found their deepest thoughts. My best writing, and in fact the best of anything I’ve done, was created in solitude. – Zen Habits

I’ve spent a lot of time in silence over the last few months, barely even writing in my own personal journals, let alone this blog.  When Mom got sick, it felt as if someone cut off my voice. I didn’t know how to deal with the worry and the sadness, so I chose not to deal with it at all.  The human body has an amazing way of coping with stress.  Mine decided that it would be healthy that I turn into a robot for a while.

And so, it came to be, that no stories or insights or inspiration could flourish in my head. And if they did, I couldn’t find the courage to open my private life to the world and write about them.  It has been three months since Mom’s surgery and I’m happy to report that she’s back to her old self again.  Barring an understandably weakened physique, she’s running around being her silly, sweet self again.  Though it’s hard for us to talk about it, I know that each of us are overwhelmingly grateful that she emerged from all of this relatively unscathed, both in body and spirit.

Emergence is what this January is to me.  Emergence from the frightening ordeal of our past October.  Emergence from my own struggles with place and purpose.  Emergence from my own self imposed exile.

Though nearly a month late, this post is a celebration of the New Year, of new life, of a found voice.  There’s a lot to catch up on and so much more to create anew.  Stay tuned.

Stumbled upon this while boutique browsing in Los Gatos this past weekend. Made us all laugh out loud. =)

Beautifully made. Smart marketing (with clever product imbeds). And wow, what a great soundtrack.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


On this date