a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

“The wonder of life is often most easily recognizable through habits and routines.” – Anne Lamott

These days I’m more inspired by everyday moments with friends and loved ones than I am by grandiose landscapes and exotic places. I don’t know if it’s the Leica that I’m shooting with now or because my perspective is changing but I’m discovering visual narratives during routine Sunday dinners and weekly get togethers with friends that feel more personally relevant than faraway tourist destinations. Here are my faves from January.

My little cheetah asleep on my lap during a weekly family dinner. I think this is my favorite photograph of all time.

Our friend Lucila visiting from Argentina, at H&D’s house. ‘Twas an evening of food, whiskey and playstation motion games.

We celebrated dad’s birthday with a night of bowling and pub food. I love the glow of the candlelight on his face.

Birthday brunch for German, pulled off on a Monday (MLK Day)!

Squishy face!

Aftermath of German’s 3rd and last birthday party of the month.

Finished at 4am. Not bad, not bad!

Here’s a piece that was inspired by my Philippine origins.  The “carabao” or  Asian water buffalo is the country’s national animal and has been essential to the rice industry for centuries.  I grew up seeing them in the fields whenever we visited my grandparents in the province each week.  I have a soft spot for bovine animals and enjoyed the process of collecting different tribal patterns from all over the world to put this piece together.  Created with gouache on paper.  More from this series can be found on my art site denisegamboa.com

Original 9x12, gouache on paper. Signed and dated.

Here’s a sneak peak at my latest work. The series is called “Ciego”, which means blind in Spanish. Each piece is drawn in one continuous line, without peeking down at the paper! They’re all available for viewing at denisegamboa.com along with my other work.
Original 9x12, gouache and watercolor on paper. Signed and dated.
Original 6x8, gouache and watercolor on paper. Signed and dated.
Original 9x12, gouache and watercolor on paper. Signed and dated.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


On this date