a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

If you’ve ever been at a Starbucks long enough to eavesdrop on two women chatting over coffee, you’ll realize quickly (especially if you’re a man) just how crazy the world of girl talk can be.  Scratch that.  It’s not crazy, it’s … ridiculous.  We women are ridiculous.  Even though I participate in said girl talk regularly, I’m still amazed at how we’re able to perpetuate hours of conversation on insignificant details regarding our interactions with the opposite sex.  Hours and hours on what he said, what he didn’t say, what he did and how and why and when and where.  Imagine how much more productive we’d be and how we could increase our creative output if we just STOPPED doing that and spent time on other things?!?!  We’d have cured cancer, AIDS, world hunger by now!!!

This is an excerpt from a chat I had with a girl friend earlier today….

K: denise!

me: hey miss!

K: thanks for coming out last night to somerset house. hope u guys had fun

me: it was a cool experience!! 🙂 and it was so nice to see you!!

K: 🙂
btw that boy i was telling u about on monday night
he sent me an email yesterday saying he had fun.. but that was it and like an idiot i responded with an email that i thought was casual but fun. i ran it past two guy friends here at work and they said nope.. u seem too keen! 🙁

me: LOL
oh goodness!

K: and of course i haven’t heard from him yet 🙁

me: these MEN and their stupid games!

K: dating life sucks!!!

me: LOL.
don’t stress!
i have friends who get texts from girls they are IN LOVE WITH and they look at the text, talk to each other and are like “Ok, i won’t reply to her today. Maybe tomorrow or the next”
and i am like ARE YOU GUYS RETARDED?!?!?!?!

K: hahaha are u serious?

me: YES

so this was our email exchange
from him:

Hi K,

Good fun last night!


and then my novel to him:

Definitely – can’t remember the last time I had so much fun on a Monday night! 🙂

Heading out to see a movie at Somerset in a bit. What’s going on at your end this evening…practicing ballet in your large bathroom? Now that I’ve had the pleasure of getting acquainted with your singing skills..I’m quite tempted to see your pirouette!

🙂 K

me: that’s not bad 🙂
it’s totally flirty 🙂

K: yes … the boys said the opening line was TOO intense and the “what’s going on with you this evening” says that i want to see him that evening.. which is SO NOT the case

me: oh goodness 🙂 i don’t get men. so they said that it was too eager?!

Kinnari: yep!

me: let me see what the Boy thinks.

K: i bet he’ll say the same!

me: He says it’s fine. BUT NOW I AM MAD AT HIM FOR BEING A PART OF THE MALE SPECIES! because now i am irritated at men in general because they’re so dumb

K: he says it’s fine?? come on, tell me exactly what he said!

me: he said that it was friendly and that it’s the guy’s loss if he doesn’t reply

K: how cute. He’s a sweetie

me: BUT you know what, He never replied to my text messages either.

K: No??? why not?

me: it was only thanks to C that i didn’t drop him completely
she was like “oh, he seems shy. give him a chance”
and i was like “i don’t want a guy that i have to chase!”

K: hahahhahaha

me: so then i emailed him one last time and he asked me out

you are funny

me: anyway, i am asking him for his feedback again and he said the same: “It’s the guy’s loss if he doesn’t reply”. BORING!!! Why can’t he indulge and analyze the email for two hours like we do?!?!?! 😉 LOL

K: hahhahaha. Seriously! Can u believe how much time we WASTE on this shit?

me: LOL!

K: i thought for at least 20 minutes on what to write in that email


K: just to his “had fun last night”
and now another hour stressing about how i sent the wrong msg
absolute idiot

me: I’m dying here!
i can’t stop laughing.
dumb men.

K: hahaha
men are not dumb
we are. we are the ones that are wasting our time analyzing every word and gesture endlessly
oh he held my hand this way instead of this

me: LOL

K: (literally, yesterday at the bar, i was telling the girls how we were holding hands)

me: so true!

K: men spend their time on wiser things

me: what do they spend their time on?

K: the usual ones on beer and sports

me: lol

K: the smart ones on reading about the world, talking about news.. life etc.

me: you’re so right

K: when do you find a group of guys talking about some girl one of them met?

me: true true! We need to spend our energies on other things! THAT is wisdom miss!

K: yep absolutely. you need to write a blog post about this!

me: Yes.

K: tell all the women to stop!

me: I will. Ok, let’s touch base later about plans for tonight. Thanks for making my day. Such a laugh!

K: Cross your fingers for me. Hope he emails

me: it’s his loss if he doesn’t! and THAT would be stupid of him 🙂

K: 🙂 i actually agree with that
see what 30 does for u?:)
makes u pretty secure

me: 🙂 haha
love it!!!!

Sometimes, there are moments I wish I could take back and do-over.  Press life’s Rewind button.

Today, we went to the hospital to get the Boy’s stitches removed (he had minor surgery a few weeks ago and was in for a routine screen).  I hate hospitals.  Especially urgent care (emergency) rooms.  They are creepy.  A symbol of pain, heartbreak, stress.  I’m one of those people who can walk into a room and instantly feel the emotion of the place. Emergency rooms are not zen, no matter how nicely they’re decorated or how many fun magazines there are on the tables.  They make me instantly anxious, so much so that I feel nauseous.

There was a lady in front of us at check-in who was being helped out of a wheelchair.  She must have been in her mid thirties and clearly in a lot of pain.  Tears rolling down her eyes, she shuffled slowly into a room out of sight.  My imagination started running wild with possibilities.  What could have happened to her?  Why is she here alone?  Did someone hurt her?  A few minutes later, she was asked to sit in the waiting room across from me (the Boy had gone in to see someone at this point and it was just me and her, with the TV blasting in the background).  She looked away, ensuring I wouldn’t see her face and she sat there hunched over, clutching her stomach.  I could hear her sobbing.

So much of me wanted to reach out to her and ask what was wrong.  I was in agony for her.  I could feel her pain from across the bright, lifeless room and I wanted so badly to touch her and give her whatever comfort I could provide.  But another part of me feared getting too close.  I feared that I was intruding on her privacy, I feared the possibility of being exposed to a world and life much less innocent and different from my own, I feared her pain.  My heart was breaking.  For her.  And because I was so disappointed in myself for my own cowardice.

A few moments later, a nurse came by to give her some medicine and the Boy came out with a happy smile on his face.  We could go now. Everything was fine.

Except that it was not.

The moment had passed.

Compassion and love could have been exchanged in that moment, in a time  and place when they were needed most, but now the chance will be lost forever.  It’s been a few hours now and I am still feeling ill from the experience.   Terrible.  I couldn’t find the courage to risk my own fears so that I could relieve the pain of another.

I hope the next time, I will be different.  =(

Pink and orange daisies.

Midnight champagne and fruit.

The Saatchi Gallery.

Cool shoes.

Date night spoilage over din and martinis.

Cross timezone love notes from around the globe.

Surprise birthday cake.

Love from Ma and Pa.

The love of a good man.

Another year of unfathomable adventure concluded.

Press Play for the start of another.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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