a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Easter weekend in this here Catholic capital was a quiet one. Those of us who didn’t run down to the beaches to catch the last rays of Indian Summer sunshine were treated to a ghost-town oasis in one of the most bustling cities in Latin America. An empty Baires is strange. It’s like running down Times Square with Tome Cruise in Vanilla Sky. There is no pollution, no traffic, no noise. Just wide empty streets and an eerie breeze catching the trees.

We decided to hop on over to San Telmo, one of the oldest, most bohemian neighbourhoods in the city. Every weekend it is host to an antiques market, very similar to Saturday market day in London’s Notting Hill. We perused gaucho stands, leather boutiques and coffee shops decades old. Time travel in a city suspended in the in-betweens.

Wowza.  I’ve got about 4 hours before I have to get up for the airport.  Daddy is driving me at 5am.  Dads are just the best human beings out there, second to Moms.  They don’t think twice about these sorts of things.  I am so thankful for mine.

Here’s an update from the craziest Monday ever:

  • We lost the flat that we wanted!  You should have seen my face this morning.  And all of the stress!  I was speechless!  The world had ended.  I was mad, sad, crazy.  BUT the good news:  We found another one and I think it’s actually better!  Not as sheik as the brick loft but this one is bright and open and on the 12th floor with (hopefully) good views.  When life deals you lemons, make lemonade!
  • My Klipsch speakers didn’t come in on time!  Another bummer!  I was mad, sad, crazy.  And then I walked the dog for a half hour and got over it.  Fresh air can do absolute wonders! (Advice: Amazon Prime Expedited shipping is what they say +2 days)
  • Books for the journey.  I decided on Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert and The New Earth by Eckhart Tolle (which, by the way, were both much cheaper at Target when compared to Borders!).  Bookstores/libraries are just about the closest places to heaven here on earth.  
  • Bear hates me.  I think she knows I am abandoning her again.  =(  And as funny as this sounds, it actually really breaks my heart.  The poor thing is a child of “divorce” and has split personalities.  First she hates me, and then she loves me.  Hates me, loves me, hates me, loves me.  I haven’t really been the best Mama these last few years but I figure this self-investment I’m making will serve her better in the long run.  I was too young to become a mom then!  Please forgive me!  I’m figuring myself out so that I can be a better Mama in the future!  Mama will be less crazy Baby Bear!  I promise.

Must. Sleep. Now.  Thanks. And. Goodnight.

I’m not one to dwell on bad things.  Actually, some would say that I can be annoyingly positive.  And I feel bad writing this post, knowing full well that it’s going to bash United Airlines.  But really, they’ve left me no choice!  I don’t think companies should exist nowadays if they aren’t willing to make an effort to improve customer experience.

Flying should not be this stressful!

I booked a flight from SFO to EZE.  I decided to use points.  Nowadays, you just don’t know who is going to go bankrupt and how point redemption schemes will change.  If you’ve got points to use, use them now.  And points, might I add, are a reward for being a loyal customer.  Agree?

I found one flight leaving March 30th with a return on June 8th.  It was the only flight available (supposedly), both online and according to the ‘customer service representative’ that I was speaking with.  Great, right?!

Not really.

The departure is a flight from hell.  SFO -> DEN -> MCI -> IAD -> EZE.  That’s San Francisco, Denver, Kansas, Washington and then Buenos Aires.  Hello?!  Do airlines not even check their machine queries to see if the options they spit out on the user-interface make any sense whatsoever?!  Do they really think that I’d prefer to joy ride across America for 10 hours before my 11 hour transcontinental flight?

I wanted to kill someone!

But I didn’t.  Instead, I called Customer Service (which should be nicknamed Place You Call To Make Your Blood Boil).

Me:  Hi, this is my confirmation number.  I was wondering if you could help make my flight a little less painful by checking to see if there is a reward seat that will take me from SFO to IAD direct on March 30th?

Place You Call to Make Your Blood Boil:  Yes, there is a direct flight from SFO to IAD.  That will be $150 change fee please.

Me:  Really?!  Why?!

Place You Call to Make Your Blood Boil:  Oh, because it’s a routing change.

Me:  Well, actually it is not.  I want to get from SFO to EZE.  I just wanted to avoid the connections in between and since you say there is a seat available from SFO to IAD direct, I’d like to take that please.

Place You Call to Make Your Blood Boil:  Sorry ma’am.  Your flight is already ticketed.  Any changes will cost $150.

Me:  Don’t you think I would have chosen the direct flight to IAD had I known it was available?  Your system didn’t show it on-hand, the lady on the phone didn’t tell me it was available when I was booking it and now you are charging me $150 dollars for something that any normal company should have done in the first place: ensure that your customers are getting the best service from you possible?  That makes no sense.

Place You Call to Make Your Blood Boil:  I understand ma’am.  But that will still be $150.

Me:  I’d like to speak with your manager.

Place You Call to Make Your Blood Boil:  This is our policy ma’am.

Me:  I’d like to speak with your manager.

And now I need to stop writing because I’ll really want to kill someone.  The manager was just as useless.  Useless, useless, useless.  And now, instead of feeling good about redeeming my ‘reward’ miles, I just have a bad taste in my mouth because obviously nobody at United gives a sh*t about customer satisfaction and customer comfort.  Let’s query a United Airlines executive to see if he would be willing to put himself on these same flights that he offers to his customers.

They’re a real bunch of geniuses.  Einsteins, really.

There’s a website called BrandKarma.com that lets the public talk about their experiences with brands.  United, I’m sure I won’t be the first to write my gripping testimonial about you.

Never. Again.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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