a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Every time we go back to the Philippines, there is always a new dance craze that EVERYONE knows. EVERYONE – from little 2 year old babies to the biggest superstars on TV. It’s like the Macarena craze but here the craze happens every six months. This season, it’s a song called “Nobody” by the Wonder Girls, a K-Pop (Korean Pop) dance tune that will fill a dance floor in 2 seconds. My cousins all know this dance and have been performing it at every opportunity. Below are some videos of my niece Anne leading the show. =) Notice my mother in the first video? =)

It has taken FOREVER to find internet connection fast enough for video uploading but I’m happy to say that a few are finally up!

Below is a smidgen from the Giant Lantern Festival that we attended last week. It will give perspective to the pictures I posted then.

Wow, it's 2010.  Happy happy New Year!  What a celebration this year: illegal fireworks in the streets, karaoke and dancing on the porch and snacking, talking, laughing and crying until 4am in the morning.  This is the way celebrations should be spent: with a zillion family members, lots of booze, lots of music, lots of dancing and lots of time spent catching up.  

As the clock struck 12 last night, amid the bangs of home made fireworks and lucis lights, I remembered quiet New Year celebrations we've normally had in the US.  Just the 4 of us, sharing hugs and kisses as the ball in New York's Times Square dropped midnight on TV.  What an amazing moment it was last night to be here, in the Philippines, sharing smiles with everyone.  There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of belonging to these several dozen amazing people in our lives.  Such a blessing.

I am so so THANKFUL.  Thank You Lord for our health, our happiness and our joy.  Life is so good.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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