a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

Hallelujah.  Is. My. New. Favourite. Word.



It is pronounced ahhlehloooshaaa here.  Can you believe it?!  Say it with me now:


Is that not the MOST FUN word ever?!  Ever?!

Couple it with The Weather Girls’ “It’s Raining Men” and you’ve got yourself one of my most memorable moments from the weekend.  We were out with friends at a new bar in Mar del Plata, in the kind of place that plays gringo music early in the evening before it gets crowded.  Everything from The Beach Boys, to Guns & Roses, to Shania Twain (yes, really).  One friend is basically a human jukebox.  He knows every song ever created and sings along to each one (it’s quite impressive, actually).  Besides the fact that everyone freaked out because I couldn’t differentiate between the Rolling Stones and Guns & Roses, and because I have no clue who Freddie Mercury is, it was an interesting night.  J (the human jukebox) would sing along to every new song played, sometimes using the semantic words in Castellano to prove that he could understand the English.  Very cute.

Well, when The Weather Girls came on and he started singing “It’s raining men!  Ahlehlooshaa, it’s raining men!  Amen!”, I just about fell over myself.  It was funny and enlightening and shocking all at once.  What a hilarious twist to this song!  I used to despise it but the ahlehlooshaa made my night!  My weekend!  =D  SO GREAT!

Ha.  Maybe you just had to be there.  The smallest things amuse me, I know.  But still.  It was a moment.  Shooveeyaaa has now been replaced by ahlehlooshaa.  =)


A big sky in Tanzania’s Serengeti. In a quiet moment just before darkness, a herd of elephants passes us by. See the large version here.

I keep playlists on YouTube and listen to them while I write. This is the cheapest form of entertainment ever. You really should consider it before going on iTunes to purchase music! Because my taste in songs changes so much, I make playlists on a per month basis now. November’s roll is a mix of high-energy-cheesy-inspiring bits from different corners of the globe. Depending on where you’re located in the world, you may or may not be able to view them all. Cross fingers! Otherwise, look them up one by one:

  • Owl City – Fireflies
  • Just Jack – Starz in their Eyes
  • The Temper Trap – Sweet Disposition
  • Single Ladies by Beyonce – Pomplamoose Music (AMAZING!)
  • Reik – Inovidable
  • Beyonce – Ego
  • Alejandro Sanz and Alicia Keys – Looking for Paradise


Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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