a girl in the world

finding beauty, pleasure and grace on the road less traveled

This is a shot of the drive to work in the mornings. Libertador routed one-way into downtown. All 12 lanes!

Thanks to the generosity of some new friends, I got to go to my very first polo match yesterday.  And it was beautiful.  A perfectly warm spring Saturday, with the excited buzz of the season’s opening games thick in the air.  We were fortunate to get box seats and what a great introduction to polo it was.  I’ve never seen horses so dignified and elegant.  They hop across the field in their muscled glory and perfectly braided tails, manes shiny in the sunlight.  I want one!  Even just a pony!  They are so gorgeous!

And before that, we had brunch with a friend in Palermo.  The afternoon was hot and dry, the streets full of Saturday window shoppers.  I tried on a ridiculous pair of four inch peep-toe platform heels.  And I actually managed to walk in them without breaking my ankles!  I tried red ones, animal print ones, grey ones, black ones.  In the end, the paradox of choice kicked in and I didn’t end up getting a pair.  I’m sure the shopkeepers were impressed.

For dinner, we (he) cooked.  Milanesa de pollo.  My favourite Argentinian dish.  We bought wine and breadcrumbs and chicken and veggies.  Grocery shopping is one of my favourite things to do in foreign places.  Everything is named differently and there is always an interesting brand of cookies or milk or cereal to marvel over.  Dinner was fantastic – delicious and healthy and low key.  And then we watched Hellboy on TV in Spanish!  And I understood maybe 30% of the dialogue.  This is HUGE for me.  HUGE!  It made me happy and then I passed out the couch.

Polo y pollo.  What a great Saturday.

It rained here today.  Actually, it POURED like I've never seen it pour before ever.  The morning was hot and humid and usually, this kind of heat will ensure that the sky will fall sometime in the afternoon.  Well fall it did.  We sat at a corner cafe in Plaza Guemes and watched as it started to spit, then rain, then pour, then monsoon onto the street.  In less than an hour, the roundabout turned into a living river and we watched school kids and grannies and teenage lovers scream their way across the streets.  Such fun.  People ended up just taking off their shoes and walking through barefoot.  

The city is bracing for another downpour and streets are flooded all over our neighbourhood.  Luckily, we found a cab in the mayhem and though it took three times longer than it should have to get home, we were fortunate.  It will probably be hours before everyone gets home this Friday evening.

Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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