Pics and travel

I’ve posted my pictures from the UK on flickr. I <3 flickr!! I plan on using it extensively as I travel 'round Europe over the next year. If you want to make me really giddy, comment on my pictures. It's strange how random feedback from random people can spark random joy (wow, I'm a flickr dork!!!).

Sarry's front door

I am totally inspired with photography again. I find it comes in waves but this past weekend I attended an incredible digital photography workshop organized by the folks at Radiant Vista. It was awesome. I learned so much about photoshop, landscape, portrait and night photography!! All I need now is a whole weekend to myself to deep dive into everything that I learned.

The next month is going to consist of some crazy travel time for me. This long weekend we’re off to Cabo Mexico. It has been a really long time since we last went on a family vacation together. I think the best one was Orlando during the summer between grades 11 and 12. I am SO excited about this one. I think that we’re all in a good mindset to spend a few days of fun and relaxation together. I wonder how tanned I will be when I return?!?

Then I’m off to Europe for two weeks beginning June 1st. London and Istanbul for the first week and then Dusseldorf Germany and surrounding areas in Holland and Belgium for the week after. Then back to Cali for a week of work before going to Calgary. The weekend after that we’re off to San Diego and LA. And then one weekend in SF and then off to Vancouver before going to London!! Wow, I get tired just thinking about it all!! =)

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