Rainy Saturday Entertainment

I think that despite my wishful thinking, summer in London has officially come and gone.  The last week has been markedly cooler and wetter than June and July.  We purchased an umbrella and the shorts and dresses have been hanging in the closet untouched for weeks.  The only reason I’m not moping about it too much is that we’re headed south in a few days for two weeks of extreme heat, warmth and sunshine.

But how to spend these last few days without going mad?  Well, the dryer is on full blast (just enough to heat the house), we’ve got tea in the kettle and cookies on the table.  And we’ve got movies!  Lots of them.  Actually, they’re not really movies.  We’ve been obsessed with documentaries lately and YouTube is a treasure trove of excellent, full length documentaries.  We’ve been learning about Stephen Hawking’s universe, about Columbia’s drug king Pablo Escobar, about the production of cocaine in Peru, about Indian orphans and the Gaza conflicts.  It has all been extremely educational, mind blowing entertainment and I’d like to share our favourites with you.

Unfortunately, the links I’ll post below will only work for UK IP addresses but you can use an online guide like this one to learn how to use a proxy server in the UK so you can access these shows from anywhere.

Rainy Saturday Documentaries

Dancing with the Devil – a film based on a true story about drugs, violence and redemption in the favellas for Rio

My Father, Pablo Escobar – a fascinating story about Columbia’s drug king as narrated by his son and his widow.  Incredible.

Dispatches – excellent investigative journalism on world topics like The Slumdog Children of Mumbai, The Children of Gaza and Pakistan’s Taliban Generation.

Master of the Universe – a series on Stephan Hawking’s life and research about the birth and death of the universe, the meaning of life and why we are here.

Iran Undercover – Shocking insider coverage of Iran’s medieval customs that authorities want to keep secret.

And finally, a selection of Cannes Film Festival movies from the independent films website, Mubi (formerly The Auteurs), all free to access.

Happy Rainy Saturday, wherever you are in the world.

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