
Spanish: lesson 2

A few more of my favourite words: pesadilla (peh-sah-dee-shaa) Nightmare.  Really?!  What a beautiful word for nightmare. llover (show-vehr) This is the verb for rain.  Rain

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It’s raining men, ahlehloooshaaa!

Hallelujah.  Is. My. New. Favourite. Word. Porque?! Porque! It is pronounced ahhlehloooshaaa here.  Can you believe it?!  Say it with me now: AHHHHHLEHHHHLOOOOOSHAAAAAA! Is that not the

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I heard this on the radio during dinner last night. Love it and thought I’d share. There is something so beautiful about Spanish sung. I can

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Aventuras en espanol

Buen dia.  Este es me intento de comunicarse en espanol.  Es difficil porque estoy impaciente.  Muy impaciente!!!  Pero es un idioma hermosa! Eh, I give up!

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Hi, I'm Denise. I'm a writer, artist and photographer. This is where I share what I'm seeing, learning and making.


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