The blessing of girl friends

A lot of things have happened in my life over the last 1.5 years I’ve spent living in Europe. I needed change, I needed to get away from some pain I had with A, I needed a shake up. I had planned for my time in Europe to be short – a year – and knew that I would be back to my normal life in no-time. Well, a little less than two years later, I’m still here but in such a different place emotionally and mentally. Sometimes I think about how different things would be if I hadn’t left and I know that I probably would have been just as content and happy —- but a little less exposed, and much less knowledgeable about myself and the world. Times like this change a person. You outgrow a few things, you learn a lot and if you’re watching carefully, you become aware of all the amazing gifts and blessings that come your way.

Like girl friends.

The two best loves of my life right now are M and C. The relationship that we share has been medicine for the heart. Before them, I hadn’t had any close girl relationships in a very very long time. Having had a boyfriend for nearly 6 years made it really hard for me to get close to other people and because I’m actually a very private person, it makes it hard for me to get close to people regardless! But, there is something so special and unique about having true girl friends.

We cook together and share family recipes. We will kiss each other goodnight after a long crazy day at work. There is always a tea-time check-in and a bedtime laugh. We push each other to live our dreams, to get rid of silly boys, to live up to our potential, to stand up for ourselves, to smile often, to worry less, to dance, to laugh. To laugh, to laugh, to laugh.

Our relationships are so open and honest. They’re the kind of women I can cry to about nothing, I would swim naked with in the ocean, whose secrets will be buried with me to the grave. They are family and laughter and joy. Their love has been a true blessing in my life.

If I come out of this time abroad with one thing that has been truly life changing, I would really have to say that it has been the blessing of girl friends in my life. They are food to the soul.


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