Things I learned from my girl friends

Just because it looks bad on the hanger, doesn’t mean it won’t look amazing on you.

Cynthia is fantastic at this. She can see the potential of a piece of clothing from a mile away. She will make me try things on that I’d never look at twice. Asymmetrical cuts, drapes, and shrugs. Women’s bodies are not two dimensional. Try things on!

Wear pretty underwear.

Not for anyone else but you. You never need a reason to indulge in luxurious things. Life should be indulged. Everyday, always.

Ice cream is good for digestion.

According to Maria. It’s also great on lazy sunny Sunday afternoons, during 3 hour brunches.

The only love that’s free is the love that comes from your mother

It’s unconditional, ever-open, ever-lasting. Even when you’re PMSing, illogical, cranky, mean, immature, and irrational – she will always be there. All other love is bundled with a set of expectations and a certain level of give and take.

Use a face scrub twice a week, and a mask once a week.

One scrubs away dead skin. The other sucks up impurities.

Use under-eye cream every single night.

The skin under your eye is more sensitive than skin on the rest of your face. Take good care of it.

Use sunscreen every day.

No ifs ands or buts. Your skin will thank you when you’re 40!

Buy yourself diamonds.

You’re worth it. =)

If he doesn’t call or email, he’s not into you.

Move on. There are bigger and better fish to fry.

Throw away holey socks and underwear. Pronto.

I always get told off for this. Cyn will find holey socks hanging to dry and will come bursting into my room, yelling. Like my mother has said before – Be sure your undergarments are presentable; you never know when you’ll need to be rescued by a hot fire fighter.

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