Things I love about Italy

– gelato, gelato, gelato
– beautiful, ancient drinking fountains everywhere
– prosciutto and melon
– baked figs with gorgonzola and ham
– the leather bags (I want them all!)
– Italian shoes and clothes and designs
– the language, oh the language!
– bike rides through ancient walled cities
– cheap trains to everywhere
– sundried tomatoes and fresh mozarella
– staying in old 1930's style flats with green shutters
– pear fagattoni pasta south of the Arno in Firenze
– bidets! I finally understand why they're so great!
– fresh fruit markets
– the cheese, the cheese!
– wandering old streets on warm, balmy summer nights

What an amazing blessing to be able to wander the country for a month!  Gawd, how thankful am I!?!  A dream come true.

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