To living richly

Wow, it has been a long time since I last posted. Life has been… crazy, busy, crazy busy. I look back at this blog and remember that when I first decided to create it, the idea of “the Denise project” just seemed so great. But I didn’t really know what that project would be and I was ok to let it unfold slowly, over time. Well, three months later, after living in London all by myself, I think I’m finally coming to terms what this time away is all about. It’s an exercise in living richly.

While sitting at a cafe eating tortilla one morning in Granada with my good friend M, I came to realise just what all this alone time is all about. It’s about experiencing the full spectrum of life. That means eating Spanish breakfasts in little cobble stone streets in Granada, scootering through Mykonos in a bikini top and skirt, running around London during a tube strike, dancing in open discos at 4 am in Athens. It’s about not being afraid to live a life that’s a little different, a little less paved and a little less comfortable than what I’ve always known. It’s about letting go, taking risks and learning to live with decisions that may change my life forever. It’s about grappling with the loneliness, it’s about spoiling myself, it’s about beautiful things, delicious food, impractical travel and opening my arms to moments of pure bliss and chaos. It has been a roller coaster of ups and downs, moments of disbelief and complete awe, it has been sadness and excitement all in one. I am changing, this axis that I am spinning is tilting in ways that I can’t explain but I know that I will be OK. I know that after all of this is through, I will plop down on my couch and say THANK YOU. Thank you, thank you, thank you for this amazing ride. =)

And so, without further ado, below are favourite pictures from my hiatus. Testaments to living a little more richly than the day before.

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